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2″ Frag Caulerpa serrulata Sawtooth Macro Algae Saltwater
2″ Frag of this algae will sent
Caulerpa serrulata
(Forsskål) J Agardh 1837
Sawtooth Macro
Likely Reef Tank Suitable
Likely Fish-Only Tank Suitable
Range: Tropical West Atlantic Ocean and also the South Pacific Ocean: Great Barrier Reef to Fiji.
Natural Environment: Inhabits reef flats and also found in shallow sandy areas in lagoons.
Aquarium Suitability: Rarely seen in the trade, yet when available, does well under bright light and where impacted with gentle currents.
- Kingdom: Plantae
- Phylum: Chlorophyta
- Class: Ulvophyceae
- Order: Bryopsidales
- Family: Caulerpaceae
- Genus: Caulerpa
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